Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Organizing The Little People For Summer

My kids are jumping for joy that tomorrow is their last day of school Streamyx Package1996 Wireless Streamyx must admit that I, too, am quite excited. No Streamyx Providers46981 waking up at the crack of dawn to get them to school Streamyx no more late night homework. My son Wireless Streamyx even gone so far as to create his own little summer schedule:

Week One: Sleep in, lay around the house in boxers, watch movies Streamyx Streamyx41752 drink soda until I puke
Week Two: Sleep in, lay around the house in boxers, play video games and drink soda until I puke
Week Three: Sleep in, lay around the house in boxers, play WoW and drink soda until I puke...but not next to dad's computer
Week Four: Repeat Week One

Although, it's nice to Streamyx Kota Damansara77954 that my 9-year old is taking after his ol' mum by planning out his summer it's not quite the summer I had planned for him. Since I work from the Streamyx Streamyx Webmail16027 it is IMPERATIVE that my kids are kept busy and have a space outside of my office to Streamyx Test42646 have fun, and stay busy. In order to get there, we have come up with a few simple things to keep everyone happy and hopefully keep the boredom to a minimum.

Secrets To A Successful Summer

1. Grandma is paying for cable for the summer. Not my idea of a wonderful solution, especially since I HATE having TV, but Grandma trumps Mom.

2. We have converted the 2-car garage into a TV and game room. It's nothing Streamyx Adsl290904 but we laid out a couple of rugs, put a spare TV out in the garage, hooked up the PS2, set up a board game table, and wha-la instant "kid room".

3. Every Thursday, the kids are going to Grandma's to watch old classic movies aka Mom's revenge for having cable. They are going to watch one to two classics a day and I am talking Sound of Music, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers all the wonderful movies that will slowly torture a 13 year old and 9 year old. I am LOVING it!

4. Every Saturday morning we are going to go to the bookstore and pick out one non-fiction picture book and learn Streamyx Streamyx Streamyx16721 something new. From the picture book they Streamyx research more information from online, but it needs to start from a book. To help my son with his writing, unbeknownst to my son, he is going to write 3 little reasons why he wanted the book and 3 interesting tidbits he found in the book.

5. On Wednesday, we are scheduling an afternoon play date with their friends down at the community center so they can go rock climbing.

6. I am also putting the kids to work for me. They will each have some tedious chore that I hate to do like filing, putting together client files, data entry, all that lovely fun stuff that I can do without.

7. Every week they will need to write a letter to a friend or family member outside of the state. They have just inherited family from Canada and Scotland and I think it's high time they learned the art of letter writing.

8. Chores around the house. They already have a set routine for normal chores so we'll go ahead and keep it going throughout the summer. Kids love to have a routine and when they know they have specific things to do and a deadline, they actually do a pretty good job of getting it done with very little complaining.

9. Time Management. My daughter is going to be Streamyx modem this year and it's high time she learned the art of time management. We have picked up a fun quirky agenda for her to use and she is going to start entering her entire summer schedule. From the basics of chores to social plans with friends and family.

10. Fun Stuff! No summer is complete without the normal movies, swimming, friends spending the night, and family road trips. We already have Pizza, Movie, Popcorn Night every Friday night, but we are also going to kick into the Game Master Tournament with boardgames. (Last time I won!) We keep a white board list of all of the games we play, who comes in what place, and at the end we tally it up and who ever wins must be called Game Master for a week. It's quite fun and the kids love it.

Bottomline, keep the kids busy with a set "fun" routine and you will only hear "I'm bored" when they are Streamyx47076 their chores, hungry, or when they are just dying to be annoying!

Have a great summer and as always,
Happy Organizing!

Suzanne McLoone

For over 20 years, Suzanne has been helping corporations and small businesses organize their time so they can spend more time and energy doing the things that are most important to them. With a philosophy of "life is too short", she thrives on making the most of her time and trying to encourage those around her to do the same.

As an organizational consultant, public speaker, and former radio talk show host; Suzanne has been offering her Organizational Streamyx Promotion Tips to anyone and everyone who will stand still and listen for "30-seconds". For more about Suzanne and to get some fun organizational tips be sure to visit

iPod Downloads

These days as Streamyx modem popularity of the ipod continues to grow, there has been lot of buzz and desire for more ipod downloads. What are iPod downloads, the term generally refers to movies, music, tv shows and games Streamyx Streamyx Adslguide95164 can download and play on Streamyx Adsl2439016 ipod device. However it does not stop there you can also have audio books and podcast.

In summary you have host of ipod download referring to music, movies, games, audio books and podcast. Not only accessible to iPods but also to its extended family including the ipod touch and iphone. With many choices to download from, you can easily begin to build your dream iPod music and movie collection and enjoying your ipod Streamyx Streamyx Www U16555 the way you intended.

Information on iPod, iPhone and iPod Touch Music and Movie Downloads Tutorials on iPod, iPhone and iPod Touch:

Will Fractional T1 Solve This Problem

Here's Streamyx picture you're looking at:

You have Streamyx Streamyx Adsl268891 small business....with Streamyx Speedometer18788 than 10 employees....who are Streamyx modem hooked into a router attached to a DSL modem.

You all need to be logged into an online database through the Streamyx Streamyx Streamyx9005 all day. You Streamyx Streamyx Speedtest4742 your staff access the database to do lots Streamyx Faq62908 data entry Streamyx Adsl2452061 well as uploading of files. When all of you are logged in, the upload/download speed frequently is incredibly slow.

When you run DSL speed tests on any of your office machines, it shows around 1.1 mbps in the morning. By mid-afternoon, the speeds are down to 600 kbps on most of the machines. You've even seen them as low as 350 kbps.

Would a Fractional T1 solve this problem? Fractional T1s in your area run around $290/month. You don't believe a standard internet 1.5mbps T1 line is really affordable Streamyx Faq76900 you at $399/month. (Dollar figures are just an example for purposes of this article).'s your answer:

Reliability, dependability, and fitness for a particular purpose have more to do with the shared nature of the services that you are using than they do with "speed". DSL is a shared resource service. Shared means that many customers are sharing an underlying internet backbone connection....that's why your speeds drop during the day ... more users are watching music videos from home in the afternoon than during the morning, sucking up all the provider's bandwidth. If the "fractional T1" provider Streamyx Test30714 also be sharing their connection to the internet backbone with many of their customers, Streamyx Adsl38338 you will likely find the same thing at the new carrier, though the busy times would be different.

The provider offering you a "T1" for $399/month is also likely sharing their backbone connection.

Remember that a shared service provider will measure speed from his office to your office, and Streamyx Streamyx Adsl292002 guarantee throughput to the internet backbone. If the shared provider Streamyx Adsl89822 a 45M connection, and he sells 30 customers a 1.5M connection, what happens to the 31st customer? A shared provider will plop him on the same connection. Same thing with the 32nd customer, and the 33rd customer, and that's where speed Streamyx Speed24550 arise.

What you need is a dedicated connection to the internet backbone, where you have your own slice of bandwidth that is not shared with other users. You say you can't afford $399. That's $20/day. That's one hour of a decent employee. What you can't afford is Streamyx Online with your internet circuit, and shared connections are causing you problems.

However....before changing out the network facility and rushing to more bandwidth, first give the current carrier the chance to troubleshoot what might be broken!

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including and Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

Essentials of Broadband Routers

Broadband router is a computer based device which is mainly used for setting up a network. Streamyx Streamyx Adsl292002 network Streamyx Adsl257001 be either wired or a wireless network. These Streamyx Streamyx6467 Streamyx Mail8180 are used Streamyx Mail73322 ensure that all the systems in a network can transmit data Streamyx Promotion39354 each other across the broadband Internet. As the Streamyx Speed18934 Streamyx Malaysia broadband devices are similar, you can use them for both wired and wireless networks with its support.

The main need for these types of devices is while transmitting data. These devices have the stuff to transmit data Streamyx Wireless43661 the distinct networks as data Streamyx Combo Information is mostly transmitted from one system to other as packets of data. The basic requirement of this type of transmission is that two networks are needed to connect a router. A broadband router has to be used to connect those networks to transmit data between each other. These routers are performed as a gateway for those networks.

After connecting the two networks with each other Streamyx Speedometer8046 using broadband routers, now the computer users can share the Internet access easily. The data will be directed along with the computer on local network through the Internet. Data can be exchanged even to computers which are kept at a distant. The added advantage of these broadband routers is to find out the virus attacks. The presence of a router becomes essential in a network to find out hacking threats and virus attacks. Broadband routers can be used as a filter. Most of the broadband modems are not featured with in-built security features. Therefore if you use a network without router, it may welcome on-line hackers. You can get routers with built-in firewall features. It will be useful for you to have a safe and secure wired or wire-free network.

Types of Broadband Routers Broadband routers can be two types. One is ADSL modem router and the other is a Streamyx Streamyx Mail28316 routers. ADSL modem routers can only be used for ADSL broadband connections where as cable routers can also be used for cable broadband users. The mode of performance is similar in these two types of routers. The main Streamyx modem between these two broadband routers is the mode of Streamyx Streamyx Wireless54473 ADSL Modem routers can easily be connected just by plug-in to share Internet connection. In case of cable routers, cable sockets and ports have to be used for getting the connection.

Read more about Broadband Modems, Routers in and you can read broadband beginners Guide to know the basic of broadband. Streamyx Online and other members of UK Broadband Forum will always ready to answer your questions.

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